Na-Mu-Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo 南無妙法蓮華經

Indigenous Peoples March

Indigenous Peoples Movement Rally 1

On, January 18, 2018, Jun San Yusada, along with others of the Nipponzan Myohoji order and friends, attended the Indigenous Peoples March. The march was organized by the Indigenous Peoples Movement, a grassroots coalition to eliminate the borders around their injustices. The march and rally warranted the attention of 10,000 people in Washington, D.C. With over 10 solidarity […]


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Grafton Peace Pagoda 25th Anniversary Ceremony Saturday October 6, 2018, 11:00am If one wishes for peace for oneself, first pray for peace for the 4 directions, the entire world. All humans are facing extinction as each nation is concerned only for its own security. In order for humanity to survive we must abolish militarization and […]


Nuclear Holocaust Peace Pilgrims August 4 – August 11, 2018 Saturday, August 4: Lexington, MA (Leave at 1 PM) – Hanscom Airforce Base *Hanscom Airforce is a home to Nuclear Command Control, and Communications (NC3) Integration Directorate and Program Executive Officer (PEO). The NC3 PEO will oversee the acquisition and integration of a complex system of […]


Hiroshima Nagasaki Day 2018

Hiroshima Nagasaki image

Hiroshima Nagasaki Day – 73rd Commemoration Ceremony Grafton Peace Pagoda Saturday August 11, 2018 Forever Renounce War – Create a Nuclear Free World Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo 6:30 PM walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles) 8:00 PM Program of Peace: Speakers/Poem Reading Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns Interfaith Prayer Musical Offerings […]


peace walk miki

Neighbors Walking For Peace Unity and compassion for all. In solidarity with the Mothers Day Walk for Peace in Boston, and in response to the recent gun violence in Troy and Albany, we would like to invite you to join us on Neighbors Walking for Peace from Troy to Albany on Sunday May 13th. You […]