


Buddha’s Birthday – Flower Festival


 Buddha’s Birthday-Flower Festival

Sunday, May 28, 2017   11:00AM

“The time has come.  Time has come when we can no longer contain the urge to do something but rush out of our houses. Time has come to look up to heaven, prostrate ourselves to the earth, voice our grief and share it with everyone.”  — Nichidatsu Fuji

Please join us doe Ceremony, Celebration, Speakers, Music and Lunch. Everyone is welcome! Please bring healthy (preferably vegetarian) food to share for potluck following ceremony

Grafton Peace Pagoda 87 Crandall Rd Petersburgh, NY 12138

For More Information call (518) 658-9301 (8 AM-7 PM)

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo



Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo    

Grafton Peace Pagoda 23rd Anniversary Celebration 
Saturday, October 8, 2016 at 11:00 AM

All are invited.

“If one wishes to have inner peace one must first pray for peace in the four directions (the entire world).”
— Fujii Garuji, Founder of Nipponzan Myohoji

“All things are bound together.  All things connect.  Whatever befalls the earth, befalls also the children of the earth.” 
—Oren Lyons

Traditional Buddhist Ceremony

Oren Lyons – Haudenosaunee Faithkeeper, Onondaga Nation (

Bruce K Gagnon – Co-founder of Maine Veterans for Peace,  Working to convert the military industrial complex to sustainable technologies

Amani Olugbala – Social justice activist and poet for peace

Interfaith Prayer

OG Mack — Jazz Guitar

Dana Hanchard — Japanese Gospel

Potluck community meal following ceremony. Vegetarian options preferred.

It may be cold.  Please bring a coat and blanket.  Please arrive before 11:00 AM for best parking.

For more info, please call the Peace Pagoda: (518) 658–9301 between 7:30 AM & 4PM
(Grafton Peace Pagoda does not have internet access or capability.)

Nipponzan Myohoji – Grafton Peace Pagoda 87 Crandall Road, Petersburg, NY 12138


times union

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Hiroshima Day
71st Commemoration Ceremony

Grafton Peace Pagoda
Saturday August 6, 2016

Forever Renounce War
Create a Nuclear Free World

We come together to commit to peace and never again using weapons of mass destruction. Let us come together to create world peace one step at a time. Let us find ways to heal the earth and all beings.  We must have no enemies and become the enemy of none.

6:30 PM walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)
8:30 PM Program of Peace

Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns
Interfaith Prayers for Peace
Musical Offerings
Fire Hoop Dance

Rain or shine.  Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight and insect repellant.  You may also want a blanket.

Nipponzan Myohoji

Grafton Peace Pagoda
87 Crandall Rd, Petersburgh, NY 12138




Flower Festival

Flower Festival 1

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo    

Grafton Peace Pagoda Flower Festival
Celebrating the Birth of the Buddha
Sunday June 12, 2016 at 11:00AM

Join us in celebrating Buddha’s Birth in this world and in reawakening our belief in humanity’s noble, spiritual purpose on this earth.

“All Life is sacred.  We come into Life as sacred beings.”
– Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Spiritual Leader The Great Sioux Nation

– Traditional Buddhist Ceremony
– Ecumenical Prayers
– Speakers
– Music
– Pot Luck Community Lunch (Vegetarian options preferred)

Nipponzan Myohoji, Grafton Peace Pagoda
87 Crandall Rd, Petersburgh, NY 12138
For information or to help with ceremony preparation please call (518) 658-9301 between 8AM and 5PM

Flower Festival 1


Grafton Peace Pagoda

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Saturday, October 3, 2015 at 11:00  AM
22nd Anniversary Celebration of Opening of Grafton Peace Pagoda

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Grafton Peace Pagoda

  • Buddhist Sacred Ceremony
  • Story of Grafton Peace Pagoda Land Donation
  • Story of Rising of Peace Pagoda in Washington State
  • Interfaith Prayers for Peace with focus on African American Community
  • Music, Dance and Poetry
  • Closing Prayers with Dennis Banks –
  • Anishinaabe Tribe and Co-founder of American Indian Movement

We gather to celebrate the building of the Peace Pagoda and to honor all who have been a part of the Grafton Peace Pagoda community over the years. We will share a potluck meal together after the ceremony. Please bring a healthy dish (vegetarian preferred)  to share and your own dishes and utensils so we can be gentle on the earth. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes. You may also want a blanket.

For more information please call the Peace Pagoda at (518) 658–9301 8:00 AM5:30 PM

The Peace Pagoda does not receive emails.

Nipponzan Myohoji – Grafton Peace Pagoda

87 Crandall Road, Petersburg, NY 12138





Times Union Article About Hiroshima Day

times union

The Times Union recently printed an article about the upcoming Hiroshima Day Ceremony at the Grafton Peace Pagoda:

Recalling Hiroshima 70 years later, with peace and prayers

Buddhist nun to lead march and prayers at Peace Pagoda site
By Paul Grondahl

times union

Seventy years after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, incinerating thousands of Japanese people and decimating the city in a blinding flash of unfathomable destruction, a small Buddhist nun will lead a peace walk through town followed by an interfaith prayer service.

Click here for the full article:


hiroshima day

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Hiroshima Day
70th Commemoration Ceremony
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Friday August 7th, 2015

Forever Renounce War
Create a Nuclear Free World

hiroshima day

“There are some who argue that mutual distrust between nations and the existence of terrorists are barriers preventing nuclear disarmament, but I cannot concur,” Matsui said. “Now is the time for policymakers to exercise leadership to begin work in creating an international environment that would make possible the elimination of nuclear weapons.”                                    
–Nagasaki Mayor, Tomihisa Taue

“History has proven that a war inevitably causes another war, and I would sincerely like to ask (the nation’s leaders) not to threaten the future of young people and children. Please assure us of peace.”
–Miyako Jodai, a 75-year-old Hibakusha (Atomic bomb survivor)

6:45pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)
8:30 Program of Peace
– Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns
– Interfaith Prayers for Peace
– Burlington Taiko Drummers
– Speakers/Readings
– Dance

Rain or shine. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight and insect repellant. You may also want a blanket.

For more information please call the Grafton Peace Pagoda between 8am and 6pm.

The Peace Pagoda cannot respond to emails.  Please call or write.

(518) 658-9301





Flower Festival 2015

flower festival 017

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Grafton Peace Pagoda
Flower Festival
Celebrating the Birth of the Buddha
And a Mother’s Day Celebration
Sunday May 10, 2015 at 11:00AM

Join us in celebrating Buddha’s Birth in this world and in reawakening our
belief in humanity’s noble, spiritual
purpose on this earth.

Traditional Buddhist Ceremony
Interfaith Prayers
Mark Johnson Sharing stories of the NPT Walk

Music and Dance

Pot Luck Lunch
(Everyone welcome to bring a dish to share.  Vegetarian options preferred.)

Nipponzan Myohoji, Grafton Peace Pagoda
87 Crandall Road, Petersburgh, NY 12138
For information call (518) 658-9301 between 8 AM and 5 PM





21st Anniversary Celebration


Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo  
21st Anniversary Celebration of Opening of Grafton Peace Pagoda
Saturday, October 4, 2014, 11 AM


– Buddhist Sacred Ceremony
– Interfaith Prayer
– Closing Music

We gather this year to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the building of the Peace Pagoda and to honor all who have been a part of the Grafton Peace Pagoda community over the years.  We will share a potluck meal together after the ceremony.  Please bring a dish to share (vegetarian options preferred) and your own dishes and utensils so we can be gentle on the earth.

For more information please call the Peace Pagoda at (518) 658 – 9301 (please, no calls after 8:00 PM).

Nipponzan Myohoji – Grafton Peace Pagoda
87 Crandall Road, Petersburg, NY 12138


hiroshimaday2Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
69th Commemoration Ceremony of Hiroshima-Nagasaki and
4th Commemoration of Fukushima
Friday, August 8th, 2014
Grafton Peace Pagoda
“Having lived through an experience too cruel to be put into words, the atomic bomb survivors have continued to appeal for nuclear abolition and to extend their desire for peace to the people of the world. Their dedication stems from their deep humanitarian conviction that no one should ever again suffer as we have.” 
–The Hiroshima Appeal from Mayors for Peace, 2013
The radiation released from Fukushima is 20-30X that of the bombing of
Hiroshima with worldwide consequences for all living things
6:45pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)
8:30 Program of Peace
Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns
Interfaith Peace Prayers
Rain or shine. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight and insect repellant. You may also want a blanket
For information on the ceremony prior to the event please call Heidi (518) 588-7122
Grafton Peace Pagoda 87 Crandall Rd. Petersburg, NY 12138 (518) 658-9301