


Video From Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day

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Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day
75th Commemoration Ceremony


On August 6th 2020 we remember the 75th Anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, while August 9th was the day Nagasaki was also bombed.  Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19, the Grafton Peace Pagoda was not able to offer a public commemoration remembering these tragic events this year.  This is the first time in Peace Pagoda’s history that we have had a closed ceremony.  But we did have a wonderful ceremony of remembrance that we would love to share with you.  You can watch the video recording of the ceremony here:





26th Anniversary Ceremony

26th Anniversary Ceremony
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Saturday September 28, 2019 11:00am

150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth
Buddhist Ceremony
Interfaith Prayers for Peace
Dennis Banks’ 3-year Commemoration
Indian Music: Devesh and Veena Chandra

Please join us for potluck community meal following the ceremony. Please bring your favorite foods. It may be cold so please bring warm clothes and a blanket. Please arrive before 11:00 to park and walk to ceremony site.

This year commemorates the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth. The founder of Nipponzan Myohoji, Most Ven. Nichidatsu Fujii, named Fujii Guruji by Mahatma Gandhi, also dedicated his life to the conversion of this world to peace, a peace arising from a spiritual foundation, giving up all military pursuits. Both great spiritual teachers believed in the essential Divine Nature in each human being, the very source of peace-making.

“Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man” -Gandhi

For over 50 years Fujii Guruji walked and prayed in India for the success of the non-violent movement of the people and led by Mahatma Gandhi. He had come to India to walk and pray and to return Buddha’s teachings to India from where they had virtually disappeared. After the two great teachers met in 1933, Guruji often walked with Gandhiji and the Indian people, praying constantly in support. From the blessing of this connection, the Peace Pagoda in Rajgir arose, becoming a great pilgrimage site for peace.

The distress of our times is great, but the light of the spiritual way shown by Mahatma Gandhi and Fujii Guruji can give us hope and guidance. With the light of compassion, we can make the way to change from violence to peace and cherishing of all people and cherishing of our beautiful and giving earth.

For more information please call the Peace Pagoda between 8am and 4:30pm at (518) 658-9301
Nippozan Myohoji-Grafton Peace Pagoda, 87 Crandall Rd Petersburg, NY 12138

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74th Commemoration Ceremony
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Forever Renounce War. Create a Nuclear-Free World.
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

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One is called to live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems impossible.
-Daniel Beggigan, Catholic Priest and Peace Activist

6:30pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)
This walk is the last leg of the Walk for a Nuclear Free Future (click here for more info)

8:00pm Program of Peace

  • Speakers/Poem Reading
  • Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns
  • Interfaith Prayer
  • Musical Offerings

Rain or shine. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight, insect repellant, and blanket for comfort.

Contact Grafton Peace Pagoda between 8 am and 5 pm for more information
Phone: 518-658-9301 (no email)





Flower Festival 2019

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Grafton Peace Pagoda Flower Festival
Celebrating the Birth of the Buddha
Saturday June 1, 2019 at 11:00AM

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Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo


Traditional Buddhist Ceremony

Ecumenical Prayer with special guest from Iran, Elahe Golpari (Zoroastriani)

Speaker Amy Juan, Tohona O’odham Tribe, and International Indian Treaty Council to talk about the situation at the Mexican Border

Music Eric Marczak, Native American Flute

Dance Burma’s Spring Dance by Kokoh, Pawkuei friend

A simple pot latch (Native American traditional celebration feast) will follow the ceremony. Please consider bringing your own dished and utensils to cut down on the wasteful use of disposables and to step away from consumerism. We also welcome your contribution of home-made, healthy food prepared with the intention of honoring each other and the earth.

Nipponzan Myohoji, Grafton Peace Pagoda 87 Crandall Rd, Petersburgh, NY 12138

For information call (518)658-9301 Between 8am and 5pm


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Grafton Peace Pagoda
25th Anniversary Ceremony
Saturday October 6, 2018, 11:00am

If one wishes for peace for oneself, first pray for peace for the 4 directions, the entire world. All humans are facing extinction as each nation is concerned only for its own security. In order for humanity to survive we must abolish militarization and war. World peace and personal peace are inextricably linked and the Buddha Dharma of Ahinsa (non-violence) is the way to achieve both. – Nichidatsu Fuji

All Are Warmly Welcome
Buddhist Ceremony
Interfaith Prayers for Peace

Keynote Speaker: Martha Hennesey, Granddaughter of Dorothy Day,

Kings Bay Plowshares

Commemorate Dennis Banks’ One Year Memorial
Tashina Banks Rama, Daughter of Dennis Banks, Lakota Ojibwe

Taiko Drumming- Japanese Festival Drum

Please join us for potluck community meal following the ceremony. Please bring your favorite foods. It may be cold so please bring warm clothes and a blanket. Please arrive before 11:00 to park and walk to ceremony site.

For more information please call the Peace Pagoda between 7am and 4:30pm at (518) 658-9301. Nippozan Myohoji-Grafton Peace Pagoda, 87 Crandall Rd Petersburg, NY 12138

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Hiroshima Nagasaki Day 2018

Hiroshima Nagasaki image

Hiroshima Nagasaki Day – 73rd Commemoration Ceremony
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Saturday August 11, 2018

Forever Renounce War – Create a Nuclear Free World
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

6:30 PM walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)

8:00 PM Program of Peace:
Speakers/Poem Reading
Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns
Interfaith Prayer
Musical Offerings

Rain or shine. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight and insect repellant. You may also want a blanket

Contact Grafton Peace Pagoda for more info
Phone: (518) 658-9301; Address: 87 Crandall Rd, Petersburg, NY 12138





Flower Festival held April 28th

flower festival

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Thank you to everyone who attended the Grafton Peace Pagoda annual Flower Festival on Saturday April 28th in commemoration of the Buddha’s birthday. Chief Perry of the Ramapough Lenape Nation attended, as well as other guest speakers and performers. Chief Perry talked about non-violence and the Split Rock Sweetwater Prayer Camp.

Take a look a photos from the day taken by photographer George Cho

Photo of Chief Perry by photographer George Cho

Photo by George Cho
























100 Days Commemoration of Dennis Banks

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On Saturday, February 3rd, 2018 at 11am, the Grafton Peace Pagoda will be holding a 100 Days Commemoration of Dennis Banks. Dennis Banks’ son Minoh will be attending. Everyone is welcome to pray with us.

On Oct. 29th, 2017, Dennis Banks, beloved friend of Jun-san Yasuda and the Grafton Peace Pagoda, a renowned Anishanabe activist, teacher and writer, died at the age of 80. He was surrounded in song by his children and grandchildren.

Also, save the date for the 25th Anniversary of the Grafton Peace Pagoda, which will also be the 1 Year Commemoration of Dennis Banks on October 6 or 7, 2018.

We honor the life of this beloved friend with this video memory:





24th Anniversary Celebration

grafton peace pagoda

Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

Grafton Peace Pagoda
24th Anniversary Celebration

Saturday, October 7, 2017 at 11:00AM

“The appearance of a Pagoda touches the hearts and minds of all people. Those who venerate this Pagoda absolutely reject nuclear warfare and firmly believe that a peaceful world will be manifested.  The vision of the Peace Pagoda has the power to bring about a spiritual transformation. It illuminates the dawn of a spiritual civilization.” 

— Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fuji (1885-1985) Founder, Preceptor, Nipponzan Myohoji

All are invited:
Traditional Buddhist Ceremony
Interfaith Prayer
Story of the Water Walk for Life
Native American Prayers

Music for Healing the Earth

Please bring potluck contribution.  Vegetarian options are preferred. Shared meal in new community building following ceremony.  It may be cold. Please bring a coat and blanket.  Please arrive before 11:00 AM for best parking.

For more information please call the Peace Pagoda at (518) 658 – 9301
between 7:30 AM and 4 PM
Nipponzan Myohoji – Grafton Peace Pagoda 87 Crandall Road, Petersburg, NY 12138

hiroshima day

hiroshima day72nd Commemoration Ceremony of Hiroshima-Nagasaki
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Saturday August 5th, 2017
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

As we gather today to commemorate the anniversary of the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki the new US administration is calling for a massive increase in the military budget, is escalating war in Syria, has deployed the largest non-nuclear bomb in history in Afghanistan and is recklessly engaging in increasing militaristic confrontations with North Korea. This administration is reviving the global nuclear arms race and planning to spend over $1 trillion to modernize its nuclear arsenal. All this when the US is only one of nine countries in the world that possesses nuclear weapons. We are calling on the US to join the majority of the world’s people in standing for the abolition of all nuclear weapons. This will be the beginning of restoring our vision to see the preciousness of all life and the protection of the planet.

6:30pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)

8:00 Program of Peace

Words from People of the Waters That are Never Still (Mohican Nation): Bonney Hartley

Ceremonial lighting of Lanterns

Speaker: Miyako Taguchi, Second Generation Survivor from Nagasaki

Interfaith Prayer

Native American Flute: Eric Marczak

Poem Offering: Christian Caulfield

Rain or shine. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight and insect repellant. You may also want a blanket.

For information call the Grafton Peace Pagoda between 8am and 4pm (518) 658-9301

Leading up to this ceremony:

Water Walk for Life, July 22-August 5, 2017
13 days, 170 mile walk from Ramapough NJ to Grafton NY