New Year’s Day Peace Walk
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
New Year’s Day Peace Walk
Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2025, 10:30AM
Start location: Watervliet Arsenal, 1114 7th Ave, Watervliet, NY 12189
End Location: 446 Taylor Ct. Troy, NY 12180
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
New Year’s Day Peace Walk
Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2025, 10:30AM
Start location: Watervliet Arsenal, 1114 7th Ave, Watervliet, NY 12189
End Location: 446 Taylor Ct. Troy, NY 12180
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
There will be no Grafton Peace Pagoda Anniversary Celebration this year. This event usually takes place in early October, around the time of
Gandhi’s Birthday. October 14th (this year) is traditionally called “Columbus Day”, but we recognize it as “Indigenous People’s Day.” And in recognition of Indigenous Peoples, there will be a Peace Walk in Arizona, October 2 – 6. The Grafton Peace Pagoda has always had an emphasis on Native American Rights. Grafton Peace Pagoda nun, Jun San will be participating in this Arizona walk, and invites you to participate in this Peace Walk [see flyer below for details].
In relation to the walk, please see this article: Why the Havasupai Tribe Worries About Uranium Mining and its Precious Water
Next year, the Grafton Peace Pagoda will be co-celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Leverett, MA Peace Pagoda. Much work, needs to be done at the Grafton Peace Pagoda. The Stupa needs re-painting, and much stonework needs to be fixed. Any donations towards this project are greatly appreciated.
For Peace Walk details please contact Grafton Peace Pagoda, Nipponzan Myohoji (Japanese Buddhist order) call 518-658-9301, 8:00am-5:00pm. During Peace Walk contact Rose (201) 956-5702
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
6:30pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Grafton Peace Pagoda
8:00pm Program of Peace in front of the Peace Pagoda
Ceremony rain or shine. Remember that it’s always cooler in Grafton and there are sometimes mosquitos so bring what you need for comfort. For more information contact the Grafton Peace Pagoda at 518-658-9301 (between 8:00am-5:00pm).
87 Crandall Rd., Grafton, NY 1213
Read More...Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Friday March 15 (9 miles, 6 hours)
Saturday March 16 (10 miles, 6 hours)
Sunday March 17 (6 miles, hours TBD)
For more information contact the Grafton Peace Pagoda, Nipponzan Myohoji (Japanese Buddhist order) 518-658-9301 8:00am-5:00pm. You can also go to http://ceasefirepilgrimage.com
Read More...Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Fukushima Peace Walk (2 days)
Saturday March 9, 2024, 12PM
Start at Plymouth Town Hall in Plymouth, MA and walk to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant.
Stay the night at the Leverett Peace Pagoda.
Contact: Daian (508) 776-3132
Sunday March 10, 2024, 1PM (be cautious of the daylight savings time change)
Start at the Peekskill Train Station (Riverside entrance near the park) and walk to the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.
Contact: Judy (914) 382-1193
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
New Year’s Day Interfaith Peace Walk
For No More Killing, No More War
Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, 11AM
“We’ve learned to fly the air like birds, we’ve learned to swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven’t learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters…” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“As humanity faces the urgent global problem of climate change on Earth, Peace is not only the end of War, but also where humans live together with the Earth beyond hatred by supporting one another with love. – Message from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
Meet at Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St., Troy, NY 12180
Read More...78th Commemoration Ceremony Remembering those lost to nuclear war
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Hiroshima Nagasaki Day
Saturday, August 5, 2023
6:30pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 Miles)
8:00pm Program of Peace in front of the Peace Pagoda
80,000 people killed instantly within one hour of nuclear bombings in Japan. Many thousands more lost in the days and years to come.
Continued prayers for peace in Ukraine and all areas of conflict in the world.
The choice today is nonviolence or nonexistence. The alternative to disarmament may well be a civilization plunged into the abyss of annihilation- Martin Luther King, Jr
Let each of our steps bring us closer to peace
Walk for a nuclear free future August 2-5, 2023
Wednesday, August 2 Lake George- Healing walk for Land and Water/Remembering French and Indian War Battle of 1757 at Fort William Henry
Before Peace Walk contact Grafton Peace Pagoda, Nipponzan Myohoji (Japanese Buddhist order). For more information call 518-658-9301 8:00am-5:00pm. During Peace Walk contact Rose (201) 956-5702
Read More...Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
Prayer Walk for Peace: Nagasaki Day
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 7-9:30 PM
Please join us!
Praying for Peace in Ukraine, Yemen and the World
Praying that Hiroshima and Nagasaki
remain the last nuclear attacks
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day
76th Commemoration Ceremony
Grafton Peace Pagoda
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Forever Renounce War. Create a Nuclear-Free World.
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
There are around 30,000 nuclear warheads worldwide, 95% of which are held by the US
and Russia. Nuclear weapons pose the single biggest threat to the Earth’s environment,
scientists have warned.
“The only guarantee against the use of nuclear weapons is their
total elimination-but our world continues to live in the shadow of nuclear catastrophe. We
must urgently reverse course and return to a common path to nuclear
disarmament.” – António Guterres, UN Secretary General
6:30pm walk from Grafton Town Square to Peace Pagoda (4.3 miles)
8:00pm Program of Peace
Speakers, Musical Offerings, Ceremonial Lighting of Lanterns
Rain or shine. Please wear weather-appropriate clothes and bring a flashlight, and insect repellant for comfort. Please wear a mask and bring a blanket, cushion or chair to choose a socially distant spot.
Capital District Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Walk
August 4-6, 2021
Everyone is welcome. We will walk approximately 9 miles daily. You are welcome to join the walk for a minute, an hour, a day, every day. Please contact the Peace Pagoda to participate.
Weds Aug 4: Saratoga to West Milton, then Vigil in Schenectady at 5:00pm
Thurs Aug 5: Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Niskayuna Peace Vigil 7:00am and then walk to Troy
Friday Aug 6: Pittsfield MA, Peace Vigil 8:00am and walk around town
For Information about the Ceremony or the Peace Walk please call the Grafton Peace Pagoda Phone 518-658-9301 between 8am & 5pm
87 Crandall Rd Petersburg, NY 12138
Due to the continued Coronavirus concerns, please wear a mask and bring
Walk for Life… Walk for Water… Walk for Mother Earth
Nuclear Free Future – 2020 United Nations Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference (NPT)
Walking from Buffalo to New York City April 3, – April 26, 2020
250 mile walk
Suffering: The walk will visit areas where nuclear waste dumps exist on Indigenous People territories like the Six Nations Territories in New York State. Historically and currently, native communities have been targeted with nuclear weapons waste dumps and nuclear power plants, which were labeled “National Sacrifice Zones.” These communities bear a disproportionate burden of risk from the nuclear fuel cycle. These nuclear waste areas permanently impair our environment, create damage, and continue to burden our climate. They sacrifice our future and endangers many generations to come. The Tuscarora Nation is affected by the Niagra Falls Storage Sites, and the Seneca Nation is affected by the West Valley Site. West Valley is a complex radioactive waste site located 30 miles south of Buffalo. The site has high levels, so-called low level, transuranic and mixed (radioactive and hazardous) waste buried, stored, and leaking. Geologically the site is in a bedrock valley that is expected to erode into the Great Lakes in centuries to come. Still, the nuclear waste buried at the site will remain dangerously radioactive much longer than the projected erosion rate. Also, the Oswego reactor, the oldest reactor in the United States (similar to the Fukushima plant in Japan) located in the Onondaga Territory, affect the quality of drinking water and the fish in Lake Ontario, New York State and Canada.
The Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)’s objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament. The unfinished task before the 2020 NPT Review Conference, which is scheduled to begin April 27, 2020, is to help pave the way to a world without the threat of nuclear weapons. Today, we have a more effective tool to achieve a Nuclear Weapon Free World with the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted on July 7, 2017. The Treaty will enter into legal force once fifty nations have signed and ratified it. As of today, the number of nations who have ratified the Treaty is 34. As we witness the escalation of tension between the US and Iran, we urge the world to ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Pope Francis – Message at Nagasaki, Japan 11/24/2019
“The arms race wastes precious resources that could be better used to benefit the integral development of peoples and to protect the natural environment. In a world where millions of children and families live in inhumane conditions, the money that is squandered in the fortunes made through the manufacture, upgrading, maintenance, and sale of ever more destructive weapons, are an affront crying out to heaven. A world of peace, free from nuclear weapons, is the aspiration of millions of men and women
everywhere. To make this ideal a reality calls for involvement on the part of all: individuals, religious communities, civil society,
countries that possess nuclear weapons and those that do not, the military and private sectors, and international organizations. Our response to the threat of nuclear weapons must be joint and concerted, inspired by the arduous yet constant effort to build mutual trust and thus surmount the current climate of distrust.”
Contact information: National Organizer (for walk) Jun Yasuda
Nipponzan Myohoji – Grafton Peace Pagoda
Call: only available before Peace Walk April 2, 2020
Call between 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM only (518) 658 – 9301
During walk call cell phone (518) 466 – 8819 no Text Messages!
(April 3 – 26, 2020)
Walk Schedule – April 3, – April 26, 2020
03 Apr 2020 Friday AmtrakTrain from NYC to Buffalo (N.Y.C. 7:15 AM arrive Buffalo 3:14 PM)
04 Apr 2020 Saturday Welcome ceremony at Tonawanda-Seneca Nation. Car to Allegany IndianNation walk
around Salamanca area.
05 Apr 2020 Sunday Sunrise ceremony at West Valley. Then walk from West Valley to Mortons Corners.
06 Apr 2020 Monday Morton’s Corners – Mikey’s Gas Smoke shop (Cattaraugus Indian Nation)
07 Apr 2020 Tuesday Walk from Mikey’s Gas Smoke Shop to Seneca Beach
08 Apr 2020 Wednesday Niagara Falls – Tuscarora Nation Afternoon walk to Nuclear dumpsite near Youngston
local training area (NY army National Guard)
09 Apr 2020 Thursday Sunrise Ceremony @ Niagara Falls. Then take Train to Syracuse (12:17 – 3:18 PM)
10 Apr 2020 Friday Good Friday walk around Syracuse areas and to Onondaga Nation
11 Apr 2020 Saturday Onondaga Nation – Onondaga Lake
12 Apr 2020 Sunday Tully – Cortland
13 Apr 2020 Monday Cortland – Dryden
14 Apr 2020 Tuesday Dryden – Ithaca
15 Apr 2020 Wednesday Take train from Syracuse to Albany. (11:23 AM – 2:31 PM) Then Walk from Albany to
Colonie, N.Y. Deplete Uranium dump site.
16 Apr 2020 Thursday Albany – Knoll’s Atomic Lab
17 Apr 2020 Friday Niskayuna – Troy
18 Apr 2020 Saturday Rest Day (Grafton Peace Pagoda)
19 Apr 2020 Sunday Grafton Peace Pagoda – Stony Point by car
20 Apr 2020 Monday Stony Point – Ramapough Lenape Nation Campsite
21 Apr 2020 Tuesday Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant Closing date. Walking and Gathering
22 Apr 2020 Wednesday Ridgewood – Port Lee (will be update)
23 Apr 2020 Thursday GW bridge from NY side to UN
24 Apr 2020 Friday Peace Vigil in front of UN
25 Apr 2020 Saturday Peace Vigil in front of UN
26 Apr 2020 Sunday N.G.O. Peace Walk
Local Organizer Contacts:
Buffalo Area: Agnes Williams (716) 949 – 2619 nyawehskanoh@gmail.com
Maria MayBee (716) 200 – 8320 mariamaybee96@gmail.com
Syracuse to Ithaca Area: Hil Coppola (315) 200 – 2634 hilcoppola@gmail.com
Tom Joyce (607) 277 – 7426\ tomjoyce51@aim.com
Albany to Grafton Area: Jun Yasuda (518) 658 – 9301 Grafton Peace Pagoda (no internet)
Stony Point to NYC: George-cho (646) 784 – 7616 gchojr@mac.com
No drugs, no alcohol. We plan to walk 10 – 15 miles per day.
During the walk we will have a cell phone contact.
Please join us by walking for an hour, a day, or for the entirety. You can support us by organizing a community potluck, a sharing circle, a visit to your mayor, a place for our work is to sleep, or coverage by the local media. Also please keep this walk in your thoughts and prayer.