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Grafton Peace Pagoda Flower Festival
Celebrating the Birth of the Buddha
Saturday June 1, 2019 at 11:00AM

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Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo


Traditional Buddhist Ceremony

Ecumenical Prayer with special guest from Iran, Elahe Golpari (Zoroastriani)

Speaker Amy Juan, Tohona O’odham Tribe, and International Indian Treaty Council to talk about the situation at the Mexican Border

Music Eric Marczak, Native American Flute

Dance Burma’s Spring Dance by Kokoh, Pawkuei friend

A simple pot latch (Native American traditional celebration feast) will follow the ceremony. Please consider bringing your own dished and utensils to cut down on the wasteful use of disposables and to step away from consumerism. We also welcome your contribution of home-made, healthy food prepared with the intention of honoring each other and the earth.

Nipponzan Myohoji, Grafton Peace Pagoda 87 Crandall Rd, Petersburgh, NY 12138

For information call (518)658-9301 Between 8am and 5pm