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Grafton Peace Pagoda
25th Anniversary Ceremony
Saturday October 6, 2018, 11:00am

If one wishes for peace for oneself, first pray for peace for the 4 directions, the entire world. All humans are facing extinction as each nation is concerned only for its own security. In order for humanity to survive we must abolish militarization and war. World peace and personal peace are inextricably linked and the Buddha Dharma of Ahinsa (non-violence) is the way to achieve both. – Nichidatsu Fuji

All Are Warmly Welcome
Buddhist Ceremony
Interfaith Prayers for Peace

Keynote Speaker: Martha Hennesey, Granddaughter of Dorothy Day,

Kings Bay Plowshares

Commemorate Dennis Banks’ One Year Memorial
Tashina Banks Rama, Daughter of Dennis Banks, Lakota Ojibwe

Taiko Drumming- Japanese Festival Drum

Please join us for potluck community meal following the ceremony. Please bring your favorite foods. It may be cold so please bring warm clothes and a blanket. Please arrive before 11:00 to park and walk to ceremony site.

For more information please call the Peace Pagoda between 7am and 4:30pm at (518) 658-9301. Nippozan Myohoji-Grafton Peace Pagoda, 87 Crandall Rd Petersburg, NY 12138

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